Bures Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

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Early Help

Early help, also known as early intervention, is support given as soon as a concern emerges, at any stage in a child or young person's life (Department for Education (DfE), 2018).

Early help services can be delivered to parents, children or whole families, but their main focus is to improve outcomes for children.

At Bures Primary School, we understand that from time to time family life can have its complications. These may be the times when you need some extra help and support.

To support and advise you at such times we have an Early Help Offer.

Our experienced pastoral and inclusion staff can offer advice on a range of concerns or can signpost parents to other sources of information, help and support.


Our Family Support Worker, Vashti, works with children in school and their families to support with their social and emotional health and wellbeing.

She is experienced and trained in a variety of approaches and therapies which they can use to support and help children and families.

She uses her skills and experience to support families who may be experiencing difficulties, for example separation, bereavement or struggling with the stresses of everyday life.

She works with children in school on a 1-1 or small group nurture basis.

She can also help families to access support from outside agencies such as Young Carers, School Nursing and parenting programmes, either directly or through the CAF (Common Assessment Framework) or other referral processes.


Useful websites: 

• www.suffolk.gov.uk/the parenthub











• autismandadhd.org/support


• https://www.wellbeingnands.co.uk