Bures Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

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Year 1

Welcome Back!

I hope you had a lovely and refreshing break! As we step into the spring term, I am excited to continue working with you and your child to make this part of Year One both enjoyable and productive.

The Year 1 team remains the same:

  • Class Teacher: Miss Murphy
  • Class LSAs: Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Markwood
  • PPA cover: Miss Pope and Mrs Ray

Below, you’ll find a sample copy of our weekly timetable. While we aim to stick to it, occasional changes may happen to accommodate special activities or events.

History: We will explore the lives of significant individuals, focusing on Kings, Queens, and Castles. The children will compare monarchs from different eras who lived in the same castle and identify key differences.

Science: Our focus is on ‘Everyday Materials,’ exploring their properties and uses through experiments, such as why bricks make good houses and paper is unsuitable for raincoats.

English: Phonics remains an important focus this term. We encourage you to read with your child using their Read, Write, Inc book and to note this in their reading diary. Reading for pleasure is also highly encouraged and a wonderful way to nurture a love for books! For World Book day, we will visit Sudbury Library on March 4th and become librarians for an afternoon!

Writing skills will focus on vocabulary, sentence formation, finger spacing, and punctuation. Our literacy texts this term include The Queen’s Hat, Bold Women in Black History, and Grandad’s Island.

Maths: We will explore place value to 50, addition and subtraction, and measures (length, mass, volume). Mental recall of numbers to 20 will be practiced daily.

RE: We will study Hinduism (devotion and Holi) and Christianity (Resurrection and Joy) using the Emmanuel Project scheme.

History: We will explore the lives of significant individuals, focusing on Kings, Queens, and Castles. The children will compare monarchs from different eras who lived in the same castle and identify key differences.

Science: Our focus is on ‘Everyday Materials,’ exploring their properties and uses through experiments, such as why bricks make good houses and paper is unsuitable for raincoats.

Geography: We will deepen our understanding of the UK and focus on the Scottish island of Coll, comparing life there with Bures.

Art/DT: Children will develop sketching and printing techniques, and next half-term focus on building structures in Design and Technology.

PE: We will work on gymnastics, dance, and ball games. PE days are Wednesday and Thursday (outdoor PE requires warm tracksuits and trainers). Please label clothing and ensure waterproof coats are sent daily.


As always, we’re here to support you. Feel free to catch us at the classroom door before or after school for any quick queries. For more in-depth discussions, we’re happy to arrange a meeting at your convenience.

Let’s continue working together to help your child achieve their goals and 'dream big' this term!