Bures Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

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Year 2

Y2 Summer term

I hope you had a lovely and refreshing break! As we step into the summer term, I am excited to continue working with you and your child to make this part of Year Two both enjoyable and productive.

The Year two team remains the same:

· Class Teacher: Mrs Holmes

· Class LSAs: Mrs Ray (HLTA) / Mrs Lloyd

· PPA cover: Mrs Ray

Below, you’ll find a sample copy of our weekly timetable. While we aim to stick to it, occasional changes may happen to accommodate special activities or events.

Geography: Living by the coast

Science: Plants and Animals including humans - lifecycles

English: Burglar Bill and The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark

Maths:. Fractions, Time, Statistics and Position and direction

RE: Judaism – Torah and Christianity - Parables

History: Technology over time

Art/DT: Drawing and painting and Textiles

PE: Run, jump and throw and Scatterball

Educational visits: We are hoping to arrange a visit to Walton on the Naze in June to support our Geography learning.

As always, we’re here to support you. Feel free to catch us at the classroom door before or after school for any quick queries. For more in-depth discussions, we’re happy to arrange a meeting at your convenience.

Let’s continue working together to help your child achieve their goals and 'dream big' this term!

Our timetable is below, but is subject to change depending on events in the diary.