Year 4
Welcome to Year 4! Your teachers this year will be Miss Atkinson, Miss Harvey & Mrs Wilcox. All supported by Mrs Simpson. All the class teachers will be available at the end of the day on should you have anything you wish to discuss with them.
Some exciting news for this term is that we will be visiting Colchester Zoo on 20th March, to support our learning about rainforests in geography and about living things and habitats in science. We are also fortunate to be visiting Sudbury library on 14th February.
We will continue to test Rainbow Maths on Fridays and will send the complete sheets home. As before, children will move up to the next colour/letter when they complete the test twice with only two incorrect answers.
All the year 4 children will be completing the multiplication times tables check in June which tests times tables up to 12 x 12. We will cover these in school but regular recap at home will help to improve their speed, accuracy and fluency. We will be regularly using the Emile Education website to practice online times tables, in school. All the children have logins and passwords to access to the Emile Education website to practice their times tables at home or there are a variety of websites and games such as Hit the Button.
We encourage the children to read every day with you at home and we will listen to them read in school throughout the week. Reading is an important part of their learning and progress and supports children to fully access all areas of the curriculum. We encourage parents to chat with their children about their reading and recommend following the VIPERS categories when asking children questions about their reading. This is noted on the school website under curriculum, English. In year 4, children will have the opportunity to visit the school library, and take out a book, on Fridays.
The class timetable is below. It may change from time to time and parents will be notified of this.