Bures Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

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Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 Class page. I, Miss Irwin, am thrilled to be the class teacher and welcome the children back to school ready for a fantastic new school year. We are lucky to be supported each day by Mrs Bodi. 

Remember: it’s really important to be at school every day, on time and ready to learn.

Spring Term Curriculum

We have a jam-packed curriculum planned for this term, with exciting topics to explore across all subjects:


  • Spring 1: In the first half term, we are reading a non-fiction text called Explore! The most dangerous journeys of all time. The children will be writing a biography about an explorer and a discussion piece titled ‘Who was the greatest explorer?’
  • Spring 2: In the second half term we will be reading Kensukes Kingdom. The children will be writing an adventure narrative. Their second piece of writing will be an explanation text linked to our history topic on the ancient Greeks.


  • In Maths this term we will be learning multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages, perimeter and area and statistics.


  • Spring 1: In the first half term we are learning about properties and changes in materials. We will be investigating hardness, transparency, conductivity, reversible changes and irreversible changes.
  • Spring 2: In the second half term, we are learning about mixtures and separation. We will be investigating changes in different substances using their previous knowledge of states of matter.


  • This half term we are learning about North America. The children will be developing their atlas skills, physical and human features and making comparisons between North American cities to Bures.


  • Next half term we are learning about Ancient Greece. We will be learning about Greek life, their achievements and their influence on the western world.


  • Spring 1: In the first half term we are learning about Islam, focusing on revelation. Our big question is ‘What does the Qur’an reveal to Muslims about Allah and his guidance?’
  • Spring 2: In the second half term we are learning about Christianity, focusing on salvation. Our big question is ‘What is the great significance of the Eucharist to Christians?’

Educational visits/experiences

This term our education experience will be a ‘Life in Ancient Greece’ workshop which links to our history topic Ancient Greece. This will be an interactive learning experience with drama, role play, and hands-on activities delivered by an outside company. It will be a full day experience hosted in our school hall.


The class timetable is below. It may change from time to time and parents will be notified of this.